Gridlock Mac OS

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  • Jun 20, 2002 Additional Image Sets for desktop Sherlock 6.0. NOTE: The 6.0 images use a new, simpler layout format (in the bitmap files) than the earlier game versions, so these image sets will NOT be useable by any versions of Sherlock earlier than version 6.0!
  • Having gotten together under the spell of their surrounding techno/ electronic scene of San Francisco, Mike Wells and Cadoo decided to do their own thing by forming Gridlock in 1994. Sighting acts such as Skinny Puppy and Autechre as a major inspiration, Gridlock made that apparent with their debut 'The Synthetic Form' on Pen Dragon Records. Their aspirations of dark techno and heavy.
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Assertions that our legislative process is gridlocked—perhaps even 'hopelessly' so—are endemic. So many more of our problems would be fixed, the thinking goes, if only our political institutions were functioning properly. The hunt for the causes of gridlock is therefore afoot. This Essay argues that this hunt is fundamentally misguided, because gridlock is not a phenomenon.

The applet requires Java 1.4.1 or higher. It will not run onWindows 95 or Mac OS 8 or 9. Mac users must have OS X 10.2.6 or higher and usea browser that supports Java 1.4. (Safari works, IE does not.Mac OS X comes with Safari. Open Safari and set it as your defaultweb browser under Safari/Preferences/General.)On other operating systems, you may obtain the latest Java plugin fromSun's Java site.

Gridlock Mac OS

created withNetLogo

Copyleft Carlos Gershenson

This simulation was exended from the model 'Gridlock' by Uri Wilensky & Walter Stroup, which comes with NetLogo 2.0.0 (see more info at the bottom)
Traffic lights try to 'self-organize' for improving traffic.
Traffic is not so much an optimization task, but an adaptation task, since traffic flows and densities change constantly. Optimization gives the best possible solution for a given configuration. But since in real traffic the configuration is constantly changing, it seems that we would do better with an adaptive mechanism than a mechanism which is optimal some times, and some times creates havoc (and it is too expensive to try to find all possible optimal solutions, since the configuration space is too huge and uncertain.).

Gridlock Mac Os Download

For the technicalities and further descriptions, you can read the paper Self-Organizing Traffic Lights.

For any question, contact the author

You can download the source code, and use/modify it with NetLogo (quicker than with a browser, need NetLogo version 2.1 or higher)

Run 'Setup' before starting simulation. Then start and stop with 'Go'. Some parameters, such as grid-sizes and four-dirs? will be applied only after pressing 'Setup'.
Tip: you can 'freeze' the display (on top of the 'city' display) and/or switch off the plots to accelerate simulations.
For model details, consult the paper 'Self-Organizing Traffic Lights'
'Setup'- Initializes simulation
'Re-run'- 'soft' and quick 'Setup' (just clears variables, doesn't change street topology)
'Reset-TL'- Turns phases of adaptive control methods ('sotl's and 'cut-off') to zero, so that they need to adapt again (to check robustness)
'Go'- Start and stop simulation
-control- select control method for traffic lights
+when changing methods during the same run, resetTL. (If one was yellow, can cause problems.)
'grid-size-x'- number of vertical streets
'grid-size-y'- number of horizontal streets
'number'- initial number of cars for 'Setup' and 'Re-run', maximum number of cars when torus? is off
%vertical- percentage of cars flowing in vertical roads (%horizontal= 100-%vertical)
%southbound- percentage of cars flowing in southbound roads (%northbound= 100-%southbound)
%eastbound- percentage of cars flowing in eastbound roads (%westbound= 100-%eastbound)
prob-turn- probability of turning at an intersection
simulation-speed- regulates processing speed
speed-limit- maximum speed of cars
p- phase period for cyclic control methods ('marching', 'optim', and 'no-corr')
mingreen- minimum green phase for 'sotl-phase' and 'sotl-platoon' controls
keep-platoon- 'omega' distance at which carsh are checked from green light in 'sotl-platoon' control
cut-platoon- 'miu' cars approaching a green light at which platoons can be cut in 'sotl-platoon' control
queue-cut- lambda queue length for 'cut-off' control
tolerance- 'theta' threshold for all 'sotl' control methods
metatolerance- attempt of metaadaptive regime. Doesn't work, keep set to zero.
torus?- switches cyclic boundaries on and off
four-dirs?- toggle between two and four directions (needs 'Setup')
homo?- toggle between homogeneous and heterogeneous street distances (needs 'Setup')
-works nicely for 8x8
power?- makes traffic lights work
yellow?- include yellow phase (1 timestep) between green and red phases
crash?- monitor crashes at intersections
plots?- switches plotting (off increases simulation speed)
This activity and associated models and materials was created as part of the projects:
PARTICIPATORY SIMULATIONS: NETWORK-BASED DESIGN FOR SYSTEMS LEARNING IN CLASSROOMS and INTEGRATED SIMULATION AND MODELING ENVIRONMENT. These projects gratefully acknowledge the support of the National Science Foundation (REPP & ROLE programs) -- grant numbers REC #9814682 and REC-0126227.
Copyright 2002 by Uri Wilensky & Walter Stroup. All rights reserved.
Permission to use, modify or redistribute this model is hereby granted, provided that both of the following requirements are followed:
a) this copyright notice is included.
b) this model will not be redistributed for profit without permission from the copyright holders.
Contact the copyright holders for appropriate licenses for redistribution for profit.
To refer to this model in academic publications, please use: Wilensky, U. & Stroup, W. (2002). NetLogo HubNet Gridlock model. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
In other publications, please use: Copyright 2002 by Uri Wilensky and Walter Stroup. All rights reserved. See for terms of use.

Gridlock Mac Os Update

Mac Os Catalina

new launchpad monome emulator!!!

  • @floremusic, can you send me a grab of your monome config setup on gridlock (probably best to so I can see what you have configured. I take it you've read the section on config in the user guide?
    @astares - thx for the feedback :) glad to see 0.3.2 is working, shame I didn't know 0.3.1 wasn't :) - the main matrix mode can be configured to send out any midi messages that you wish to configure and the bottom right hand button can be used to quickly switch between the 2 modes - i'll be adding more pages to this once I've finished the Live integration piece I'm starting to work on. this is intended to be for generic config. in addition, I'll be adding a 'shift' config for each instance which will allow the matrix to be configured for each instance for e.g., changing patters, controlling instance specific effects etc. I also intend to add a drumpad mode at some point so I guess the notemode would fit into that category with a slightly different layout - good idea on the multiple channels tho, I'll make sure that makes it in. cheers

  • A Little Update: I´ve done some testing with a few of the various Launchpad scripts that float around the Net (was courious how good or bad they work in conjuncton with Gridlock). Here´s what i found:
    Gridlock/Monomodular: Didn´t work
    Gridlock/Launchpad95 (Python-based additional functions for the LP, mimics Push in some way): Basicly works but on User 2 the aditinonal Modes and Gridlock overlap, means you see both on the Matrix and the displaying of the additional Functions of LP95 is sometimes not complete, some buttons missing.
    Gridlock/LPC-Ditto (Push-Emulation via Clyphx/ Bomes Midi Translator): Works without Problems when in LPC-Ditto B Mode. The Emulation isn´t able to access Push´s usermode, so you have to use Mode B to control both the Push Emu and the original LP Functions/Gridlock
    Gridlock/LPC-Live (some aditional functions for the LP but without the Push Emulation, as LPC-Ditto programmed with Bomes Midi Translator): Same as with LPC-Ditto, works without any Problems.
    Maybe helpfull for some of you. ;-)

  • thx for that! I've not really done any testing with these scripts, been concentrating more on the apps themselves. I'll check them out. I think I've got a license to LPC-Live somewhere and I believe I can get LPC-Ditto with that.

  • my head is burning
    can someone explain step by step how to use Gridlock,
    with Launchpad and Polygome64?
    OSX 10.8.4 Live 9.0.5 Max 6.1.3 (32-bit)

  • Hey Lotte, I'm going to work on some vids over the weekend to go over the config, hopefully this will help you out

  • please make the vids Lee!!

  • hey. i'll get some done over the weekend. unfortunately the day job gets in the way. ;) Slot machine themes.

  • hi, currently testing a new update with a temporary SerialOSC solution - if anyone has any serialosc apps they'd like to use pls let me know a few and i'll use them to test.thx

  • Video showing the current Monome config

  • I surrender
    I just need the Launchpad polygome
    I'm not English speaker
    OSX 10.8.4 Live 9.0.5 Max 6.1.3 (32-bit)

  • Fantastic, this Max ( i don't use Live but Usine as Daw) version works definitively better here ( Mac os 10.8.4)
    Thanks a lot Online casino pokies australia.

  • @Lotte, are you using inside Live or standalone MAX?
    Falling time mac os. @nay-seven - good to hear! not tried Usine, looks interesting tho!

  • uploaded 0.3.3a which fixes a connection issue with grainstorm (and maybe some other devices). cheers

  • some other apps.

  • @sigabort inside Live :(

  • Hey @sigabort, thanks for your video, it's much clearer to me now.
    I've downloaded the latest version, but in the drop down menu, launchpad doesn't appear, there's only 'none' appearing.
    Launchpad is activ, automap mode too. I dunno why, cos my launchpad was recognize with the first version.

  • I've also tried to use first version of gridlock, launchpad appears and is recognize, but launchpad flashes like crazy :)

  • @flore, could you provide me with a little more detail. What exactly do you mean by flashes like crazy. What monome apps are you using? Are you using inside live or standalone max?

  • To all: if you are having issues, please let me know whether you are running gridlock inside or outside of live and which monome app, along with version, you are trying to use. This will help me track down issues. Thx

  • @lotte, ok. Which version of polygome are you using?

  • @flore, can you try pressing the reset button, this should do a complete rescan

  • @sigabort- oups sorry, all good, this flashing problem was my fault.
    Thanks to your video i'm now able to use sevenup with gridlock, works like a charm, even if i need to go a bit further to understand better
    the only problem i got i that 7up only works when its track is selected, and device re-synched. Everytime i select another track, 7up stops working, it says on the device it's connected, but it's not. I have to disconnect and reconnect to make it work.
    dunno if this problem comes from ableton or 7up, or gridlock.
    any idea ?

  • ok, so i've managed to find the problem, to make sevenup works with ableton live 9, you got to use the component devices.
    Now works perfectly.
    I have only one bug with gridlock on my side: when i use multi led intensity i end up having no light at all, but when it's not on, lights work, and have different led intensity.
    but it works :)
    well done sigabort!

  • @sigabort my version of polygome = v1.1 monome suite r2 (max4live)
    OSX 10.8.4 Live 9.0.5 Max 6.1.3 (32-bit) Launchpad1

  • @Lotte, I will try this out tonight and get back to you.
    @Flore, have you got intensity checked on 7Up and intensity selected in config in Gridlock?

  • Some more of my expiriences with Gridlock: Have tested the Max/MSP version with Sonar X2. The ability to group buttons is a verry Handy thing wen it comes to map the buttons of the Launchpad to Sonar´s get a nearly 100% Ableton feel when working with the Matrix view in Sonar
    After all i modified my setup and killed the Rewire Master in Ableton (so i can use it as a Host for Monomodular, the other Monome Emulator is use) to be able to send Midi from Live to Sonar and to use the M4L Monome apps as Midi-Trigger in Sonar as well. The Launchpad can talk to both Gridlock (Max/MSP Version) an Ableton, Ableton hosts Monomodular and the M4L Monomeapps, sending Midi out over a virtual Midiport to Sonar. When Gridlock is enabled the Launchpad controlls the Matrix of Sonar and all non M4L Apps via gridlocks Monome Emulation, Sonar runs as Master Sequencer/VST Host/Mixing Desk. When Gridlock is disabled i have full control over Ableton/Monomodular. All with nearly no extra CPU Load on my Quad Core PC (+2 % in total when running Ableton and Gridlock besides Sonar). OK that Set-up is maybe a bit strange, but that way i can work/record/mix in Sonar and don´t have to record the monome stuff half in Ableton, half in Sonar, then rendering to audio an rewiring ableton into sonar for mixing..saves a lot of time for me ;-)

  • Yes, this is really a great appz for launchpad.
    Actually i can use several audio and midi monome appz. I route them (audio part) via Wavtap (don't know if Jack is better for this ?) into my Daw ( Usine Hollyhock) i add then FX's and control them via the Midi sliders page of Gridlock. Quiet Happy with this too.

  • cool, glad to see people getting some enjoyment out of the app. :)
    @astartes, great to see it being used outside of Live, something I hadn't planned for
    @nay-seven - full Live will integration will be coming from 0.3.6 onwards, so keep watching this space.

  • Hey sigabort,
    I very much enjoy your app, atm I am only using it as monome emulation but I also plan to use it to port some of my apps directly to the launchpad.
    The only thing I really miss is the ability to use more then one launchpad.
    It would be amazing to be able to use at least 4.
    Best would be the ability to choose if the 4 launchads emulate 4 64 monomes or the 4 64-square-grids of one 256.
    Do you plan to ad multible laucnchpad support?

  • Hey, thanks for the feedback.
    Yes, it is planned. I'm currently finishing off the next release at the moment which I hope to complete for the end of this week and then I'll be starting on that (version 0.3.5). The plan does include each grid to be part of a single 64, a 128 or a 256 depending upon which app is selected and some other exciting possibilities :)
    First beta version should be available in a couple of weeks, if you'd like to join in then drop me a msg at

  • Hi all, 0.3.4 is now available. No major updates for Monome, but the good news is that I've now cleared the way for multi-surface support which will be coming in 0.3.5.

  • @sigabort,
    I have tried to get Molar VST working with gridlock, but it doesn't seem to work. Do you have any ideas of how it could get to work or tell me if it works at all with gridlock?

  • @mikebosch we still didnt tried to fix the connections with molar

  • hi Mike - thx for letting me know, i'll grab the patch and have a look later this afternoon. cheers

  • @mikebosch - Mike, I have tried this and got it semi working - am getting double updates back to Gridlock for some reason tho, so looking into this.

  • @mikebosch - try these settings - replace the 40h with 128 or 256 for the other versions. make sure there are no spaces before or after the '/40h' when you type it in. cheers

    458 x 26 - 7K
  • Hi
    Just downloaded the 0.3.4 versions but everything crashes on me on OSX 10.8.5 . . .
    Gridlock.amxd crashes Live & Gridlock.mxf crashes in Max
    There is also no Launchpad.amxd or .maxpatch as mentioned in the readme.txt . . .
    Any suggestions??

  • Hi. I've not heard of any other problems on OSX, but I'll ask around. What version of MAX and Live are you using?
    The readme.txt needs updating - it should refer to the Gridlock amxd and mxf. Thx for pointing out.

  • @macciza gridlock works on mac with max 6.1.3 or later .can u confirm that u are using it?

  • Yep, just tried again and both crash still -Max 6.1.3, OSX 10.8.5, latest Live etc . . .
    looks like it crashes in network stuff, can send report if you want . . .
    I do Lemur development, did some Monome/Arc emulation stuff and just getting back to it for a bit . . so am interested to have a look at your stuff . . .

  • Max 6.1.5 is out now, might be worth giving that a go.
    Interesting about the Lemur dev - I was thinking about maybe doing an Arc emulation for it in the future.

  • out of interest, are you running a Live beta or the 9.0.6 release?

  • Hello thanx for gridlock !
    Anyone tried the party van
    Something strange is happening
    Most of the Times there is this tapin max external that tries to connect(i see this in the max window) and fact is party doesn't use delay(tapin) at all. I tried to pull it off and it worked the first time almost everything Was working then reloading the patch it startet again lookin for tapin object any ideas ? Any experience with party van? Thanx

  • @sigabort - Same problem with 6.1.5, same error . . .
    Have previously done Monome and Arc emulations on Lemur .
    Am currently reviewing/extending the ideas . . .

  • are you running a Live beta or 9.0.6?

  • Casino cruise cocoa. do you have a link to your stuff? would be cool to check it out.

  • hello again,just to be more clear i-m trying to connect with a launchpad via gridlock to the party van,one time it worked well and vserialosc connected to the party van,
    but most of the times i keep getting this line in the max window:
    tapout connecting tapin from outside dsp chain is not supported and may not function
    over and over again.
    this delays the response of the button press on the launchpad a lot in the gridlock window and the party van doesn't work
    as i said it only works sometimes but its just unpredictable
    any ideas?
    thank you for gridlock anyway!
    ps i-m on ableton live 9.06 max 6.1.3 and gridlock is working with most monome apps.

  • @widehole, i'm busy this weekend unfortunately, but I should get to have a look at that app on sunday eve/Monday eve - sorry for delay, but hopefully will have some info for you then. thx for reporting issue with this app.

  • thanx! no problem i'll wait for you to check out!

  • Hi
    I had a look at the latest stuff you posted on your site and will see how it goes . . .
    Also do you want a hand sorting out the Lemur stuff ??

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